On vacation from the 18th of january to the 1st of march 2025.
The eshop is still open and your orders will be taken care of as soon as I get back.

In a boho yet elegant style, our crystals creations are made to bring light to your hair and to add a touch of magic in your daily life.
Magic is in the hair !
Hair pin, clips, combs, crowns and earrings all of our accessories are available on our eshop www.DouceAlchimie.com

All Douce Alchimie pieces are handmade by me and with all my love, in my little and private workshop in Lyon. Every crystals used in our accessories are naturals, given by Mother Earth !
Clear quartz, is a universal and neutral crystal and it is the most used in my creations. Thanks to its power and purety, he matches every other crystals to amplify theirs benefits. Quartz points give off a soothing and douce vibrations to harmonize its owner emotions.
Every accesory is purified and reloaded before it's shipped so you can fully enjoy theirs magic powers and sweet aura when you'll be wearing it.

J'ai été invitée sur le podcast Une Belle Journée.
Vous pouvez nous écouter papoter lithothérapie et mariage
Douce Alchimie a déjà conquis le cœur de vos magazines féminins et blogs mariages préférés !

Fanny Garcia, a young lady living in Lyon (France), beauty addict and in love with nature. I am born 27 years ago, on a sweet winter night. Capricorn sun, cancer rising and aries moon, my favorite crystals are amethyst to sleep like a baby, smoked quartz to chase all my negative thoughts and cornalian to light my iner fire up when it rains ..
Once I had my Baccalauréat, I pursued aesthetic and cosmetic course and I quickly work as a spa manager and sales consultant for several cosmetic brands. But I was still thinking to my firts love .. makeup ! After a professionnal makeup school, I've decided to live of my hobby. I am now freelancing as a makeup and hair artist, and I've specialized in weddings (www.FGmaquillage.com).
Often seemed superficial, due to my work, I'm a simple person who finds her hapiness in beautiful sunsets, delicious food or the reassuring arms of her man. Hypersensitive, I regularly espace the city and run into nature to recharge and find some peace. It's after my first work experience, in a heart of a ski station, that I rediscover the magic of nature !
I immediately fall in love with the mountains charisma, its huge spaces, pure air and its beauty making everyday unique and more beautiful than the last one.
Inspired by the two things I enjoy the most, I've decided to create Douce Alchimie during 2019 spring.